“Bridge the Gap” Annual Fund
Why is there a gap and a need for an annual fund?
There is a gap between the actual cost of an Innovations Education which is $7,600 per student and the state per pupil funding for the current fiscal year of $5,600. Innovations finance staff and board are working hard to solicit grants and federal funds to help bridge the gap. The school is committed to bridging the gap by $1,000 per student via grants and federal funds. We need parents and the community to help bridge the remainder of the GAP:
Our Annual Fund “Bridge the GAP” goal is $224,000. As we have 224 students and need to bridge $1,000 per student.
Summary of the gap?
- Annual Per Pupil Cost of Educating and Innovations Student $7,900
- Annual State Per Pupil Funding $5,900
- Gap to be bridged by school, parents, community and grants $2,000
Please help us “Bridge the Gap” in order to continue our quality education for our keiki. No donation is too small or too large –we are aiming for 100% participation from our ohana.
Why give?
- Annual Fund gifts support all areas of the school including a vibrant fine and performing arts program, technology instruction, garden and sustainability, state of the art facilities and an outstanding faculty.
- Since state per pupil does not cover all of the actual costs of a student’s education, Innovations relies heavily on donations, program and facility grants. Annual Fund gifts benefits every single child at Innovations.
- Every gift counts ($5.00 to $50,000+) Foundations and corporations often look at the number of donors when choosing the level at which they will support Innovations.
- A gift to the Annual Fund is tax-deductible as charitable contribution.
How Do I Make a Gift?
- Make a check payable to IPCS
- Make a monthly pledge payable to IPCS
- Pass this flyer on to grandparents, family and friends who may like to support IPCS
If you have any questions, please contact Ikaika Hauanio at
(808) 322-1577 ikaika_hauanio@ml.com