Innovations Governing School Board is the autonomous governing body of our charter school. The board members are responsible for the oversight of organization, management, financial and academic viability of the school, and compliance with applicable federal and state laws. Each charter school has its own Governing School Board which offers the local control it needs to respond appropriately and in a timely manner to the needs of the school and the community.
GSB Meetings: Board members meet at 4 pm in the IPCS Administration Building on scheduled meeting dates below. Meetings are open to the public and guests are welcome to attend. Agendas are posted in the Agendas & Meetings page available in the sidebar menu.
Meeting dates for SY 2024-2025 Governing Board Meetings will be held in the main office meeting room for in-person attendance as well as virtually via ZOOM.
September 10th
November 19th
February 4th
April 15th
May 13th
Board Members: The board is made up of volunteers from the various skills, professions and roles of the school and community. Parents, teachers, students, school staff, administration, and community work together to provide support and oversight for the school.
SY 24-25 Board Members:
Heather Korotie (heatherkorotie@gmail.com) Board Chair
Wayne Yamauchi (oldyama@hotmail.com)
Georgia Goeas (ggoeas@aol.com)
Caitlin Braithwaite (caitlinb@innovationspcs.net)
Mark Disher (dishermd@gmail.com) Vice Chair
Cole Arrington (colearri@hotmail.com)
Corrine DeSoto (dr.mauldesoto@gmail.com) Secretary
Heather Barnreuther (heatherb@innovationspcs.net)
Jennifer Hiro (jhiro@innovationspcs.net) (ex-officio)
Lee Nelson (leenelson.ipcs@gmail.com)
Justin Larkin (justinlarkin85@gmail.com)
Anne Van Brunt (anne@island-research.com)
Chris Domino (chris.ipcs@yahoo.com)